Friday, 12 December 2014

What is mineral???

What is MINERAL???

Minerals are basic elements that hv their origin in the earth & unlike vitamins, minerals cannot be made by living systems..

For example, those that have been found to be essentials to body function are calcium,phosphorous, magnesium, iodine, iron & zinc..
As in the case of VITAMINS, we get most of our minerals from plants & from animal products that contain minerals as a result of the animal's consumption of mineral-rich plant life. However, the mineral content compared to the VITAMINS are not stable..

How Minerals Work

In the body, minerals work through a variety of mechanisms. One of the most important roles involves building basic body structure:
CALCIUM, PHOSPHOROUS, MAGNESIUM & FLUORIDE for example are the major elements in forming the bones & teeth..

Unlike VITAMINS, Minerals are neither manufactured nor broken down within the body because they are basic elements..

Minerals must combine with VITAMINS, enzymes or other body subtances to produce their effects. These combinations can be broken down, used up or eliminated from the body & therefore must be recycled or remake!!!

Salam Sayang
Zalmin Zakaria

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